Friday, September 05, 2008

summer break

it has been 3 months break after my foundation programme in The University of Nottingham. Should I say it was just an ordinary summer break? Not sure. Reason? It's simple, this is actually the 2nd summer break since after my SPM. Yet, this is still the first summer break which i spent my time on something. Was wondering what is that right? Nothing big deal! Was just working at G2000 Men 1 Utama U Parkson for 2 and a half months. I was applying to work for 3 months at first, but there has several matters arose. Thus, I have resigned 2 weeks earlier. I'm here feel sorry for that. FYI, I was working with the pay of RM1000 basic, RM200 allowance and commission is included - full timer pay. I wasn't sure how much i got currently, yet what i know is I got what i desired, what i waited. Wondering what was it? It is a DSLR with a speedlight flash. With several gifts, 4GB SDHC, Tripod, water proof bag. Hmm... Hope the trade was good enough.. lol!!!

It was really fun and great working in G2000. At least i got several new friends who are good to know. 1 of them, very humorous.. feels stressless after chit chatting with her... 1 of them, very naive.. good to talk to... 1 of them... malay? XD and has been someone's fiancee!! cool huh? lol..
Now is time to say good-bye to them. though, i will be baq to there and visit them i hope? If i'm free enough or somehow?
you all better wish me to... kakakaka...
anyway, I'm in dilemma now. Should I back to my buddhist club which left me be4?

hmm... (To be continued...)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

用自己的一点点付出。。来换取一架相机的感觉是不是真的很棒? ^^


